Andrea Burkhart's latest video covers the topics of coercion and suggestion.
"There is an extensive record of Alice creating coercive and suggestive circumstances known to create a high risk of false reports. Here, we talk about trauma bonding and how abuse runs in families as we look at Alice's parental alienation end game." - Andrea Burkhart.
View the video at the link below. You can also catch up with the rest of Andrea's insightful videos by following the topics below and subscribe to her YouTube channel for more:
Andrea Burkhart, legal commentator, experienced trial and appellate litigator has posted the first video in a series covering the Domestic Violence committed by Alice Evans against Ioan Gruffudd. The links to all of Ms. Burkhart's videos will be posted here or alternately you can subscribe to her YouTube channel.
Andrea Burkhart's second video describing exactly how a Domestic Violence Restraining Order is obtained and explains the implications of this for Alice:
The third instalment in the videos by Andrea Burkhart, this one focussing on what Alice Evans did to receive a Domestic Violence Restraining Order
Andrea Burkhart's video on Alice's abuse of Bianca Wallace and others, and her complete disregard for the Temporary Restraining Order and the law:
Andrea Burkhart discusses the status of Ioan and Alice's custody proceedings and the effect having a Permanent Domestic Violence Restraining Order has on Alice's attempt at custody. The effects of this on the children of domestic abusers is also explored.
Andrea Burkhart explores the legal processes Ioan has gone through in his effort to share custody of the children and what to expect if Alice doesn't change her tactics. Andrea also gives Ioan and Alice advise on what she believes would be the best moves to take in their case for custody.
Subscribe to Andrea Burkhart's YouTube channel: